Day 7 Itinerary

  • Visit the ancient city ruins of Ayutthaya

  • Visit Bang Pa-In Palace

  • Take a boat tour down the Chao Phraya River

    (This guided tour includes all 3 stops and food. Book here.)

  • Have dinner at Dine in the Dark


Dating back to 1350, the city was home to Thailand’s monarchy until they were forced to relocate when it was attacked and burned by the Burmese army in 1767. Today, what’s left are crumbling ruins and pieces of a once thriving city. The best way to see Ayutthaya is to take a guided tour.

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Bang Pa-In Palace

This historical site is a palace complex formerly used by Thailand’s royalty. The grounds include landscaped gardens and beautiful architecture so it makes a great stop on the way to Ayutthaya.

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Day 6 Itinerary


Day 8 Itinerary